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书评作品:《论法的精神》 孟德斯鸠

作者:浙江大学公共管理学院/中国农村发展研究院  郑淋议








    Law a mighty tool of governing a country

    Human nature has flaws, properties need to be protected, and people’s life shall be safeguarded. Hence just as a family cannot exist without rules, a country cannot sustain without laws.

    In ancient China, law had gradually arisen since the Warring States era and presumably originated from the “Inherent Vice” theory of Xuncius, which mostly served as a starting point. The disciples of Xuncius such as Han Feizi and Li Si, who were indeed prominent figures of Legalism despite looking up to the Confucianist Xuncius as mentor, moved straightly to Legalism and left unprecedented feats in Legalist theory and practice (Han Feizi was a scholar and focused on theoretic studies while Li Si was a politician and mostly engaged in practical work). The scholar Han Feizi’s effort culminated in combination of law, tactic, and authority. The politician Li Si aided and advised the First Emperor of Qin with legal system and devised Qin Law which awed the whole country to obedience and provided a reference for later generations.

    Since the late Qing Dynasty, the Western learning was introduced into China and the Western technologies were first to be learned (advocated by the Westernization Movement) as practical means under the Chinese traditional system. Later people like Kang Youwei, Sun Yat-sen proceeded to advocate systemic reform as a means of strengthening the country and salvation through system change became popular. Thus the Constitution of the ROC, which draws in the main ideas of the Western Constitutions and contains essences of the Chinese culture, was born whose content consists of the Three People’s Principles (nationalism, democracy, the people’s livelihood) and Separation of the Five Powers (administration, legislation, judiciary, supervision, examination). The spirit of the law consists in democracy and equality, fraternity and tolerance and is a great progress in the legal history of China. The Constitution of PRC also stands out. By basing itself on the national realities, absorbing intellectual work of preceding generations and including the cream of Western laws, it is rich in innovations and possesses distinct Chinese characteristics. Its main content lies in one fundamental and two basics (the fundamental is the system of People’s National Congress, the basics are the system of regional autonomous s for ethnic minorities and the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation led by CCP). The spirit of the law is that all men are equal and enjoy free conditions which opens up a new epoch in the legal history of China.

    The ancient Western world worships the Roman Law, the common law and the statute law, the civil law and the law of nations, which becomes the origin of Western laws. Since the contemporary age, countries like Britain, France, Germany, and US assimilate religious and ethical ideas in their creating of contemporary Constitutions which are characterized by constitutional monarchy, democracy and republicanism, division of powers, fraternity and equality. Checks and balances exist to each other and beliefs abound in people’s life (US in particular integrates articles of law with the national life and makes law itself a belief of value).

    Only by adopting essences of both the Chinese and the Western laws, merits of a sound law can be made evident, which purports not to contain the human nature but to guide it, not to act as a stiff dogma but as a dynamic belief through which to seek internalization in heart and externalization in behavior.



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